Friday, 21 September 2012


Masalah pencemaran bukanlah suatu perkara yang baru di Malaysia. Berlakunya pencemaran telah menyebabkan pelbagai masalah lain terutamanya masalah kesihatan dan ancaman terhadap manusia dan alam sekitar.

Pencemaran yang dimaksudkan ialah pembuangan sisa minyak dan gris ke dalam peparitan awam secara langsung atau tak langsung menyebabkan perubahan kepada sifat-sifat fizikal, kimia dan biologi pada alam sekeliling dengan melepaskan bahan buangan sehingga menyebabkan sesuatu keadaan bahaya kepada kesihatan, keselamatan atau kebajikan awam kepada manusia, haiwan, hidupan air akuatik atau tumbuh-tumbuhan.

Ia juga mencemarkan air, tanah dan udara. Pencemaran Minyak dan Gris ini akan memberi kesan kepada kitaran makanan dengan mempengaruhi dan meracuni kehidupan-kehidupan di sungai dan tasik seperti rumpai air, burung, ikan dan hidupan lain.  Secara langsung pencemaran minyak dan gris ini akan mempengaruhi kualiti air minuman kita.

Kini masalah pencemaran minyak dan gris oleh syarikat-syarikat yang tidak bertanggungjawab semakin berleluasa dan ia perlu di bendung. Syarikat terbabit perlu mendapatkan nasihat dari pembekal alat perangkap minyak. Oleh itu, masalah longkang berbau boleh dielakkan dan boleh jalankan perniagaan dengan senang hati tanpa gangguan dari masyarakat sekeliling dan juga pihak berkuasa tempatan. Tiada lagi longkang tersumbat dengan penyenggaraan yang mudah dan menjimatkan kos.

Kita perlu ingat bahawa kita bukan warisi bumi ini dari nenek moyang kita, tetapi sebaliknya kita hanya memimjam daripada anak cucu kita maka pentingnya kita menjaga alam sekitar yang menjadi tanggungjawab setiap manusia, masyarakat atau penduduk yang tinggal di bumi.

Pemasangan perangkap minyak sangat dituntut oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar bagi menepati kehendak Peraturan-Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Buangan Terjadual) 2005. Perangkap minyak perlu dipasang dipremis yang mengendalikan pemprosesan makanan dan juga industri berkaitan minyak seperti stesen minyak, pusat servis kereta dan kilang.  

Perangkap minyak sangat berkesan dalam mengasingkan minyak daripada air bagi mengurangkan minyak dan gris disalirkan secara langsung ke longkang awam. Kualiti effluen yang dilepaskan adalah mematuhi syarat yang telah ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar.

Marilah kita bekerjasama dalam memastikan Kualiti Alam Sekitar terpelihara bagi menjamin pembangunan mapan untuk Negara dan Generasi Kehadapan.

Sekiranya anda ingin mengetahui maklumat lebih lanjut tentang perangkap minyak, boleh hubungi:

25, Jalan PJS 11/24,
Bandar Sunway Industrial Park,
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 603 – 5637 3171
Fax: 603 – 5637 3071

Berikut adalah berita benar yang dilaporkan oleh Sinar Harian. Adakah anda mahu syarikat anda keluar dalam surat khabar? Ambillah tindakan segera dan janganlah hanya melepaskan batuk ditangga.

Sisa minyak yang terkumpul dalam longkang menyebabkan bau busuk sehingga menyebabkan sampah tersumbat.

BATU FERINGGHI – Tidak bertanggungjawab, itulah kata-kata yang boleh digambarkan terhadap sebuah premis perniagaan di sini yang sesuka hati membuang sisa minyak masak ke dalam longkang awam.

Tindakan pemilik premis perniagaan yang terletak berhadapan dengan Sungai Emas itu menyebabkan penduduk dan juga peniaga berhampiran premis yang sama rimas.

Penduduk, Kamsiah Abdullah berkata, dia seringkali mendengar rungutan rakan yang menjalankan perniagaan terpaksa menahan bau busuk akibat daripada sisa minyak yang sekian lama terkumpul.

Menurutnya, ia dipercayai datang daripada sebuah kedai makanan di hujung premis bangunan yang sama.

“Saya juga membantu rakan membersihkan longkang dua kali sehari menggunakan sabun bagi mengelakkan minyak itu terus melekat dalam longkang.

“Lebih memburukkan keadaan apabila air hujan memenuhi kawasan longkang dan sudah tentunya sisa kotoran minyak mahu melimpah keluar.

“Terdapat kesan minyak di atas jalan raya kerana berkemungkinan ada yang sudah terkeluar,” katanya.

Sementara itu seorang lagi pembantu kedai, Rosnani Rahim berkata, Jabatan Kesihatan dan Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) juga pernah datang untuk membuat pemeriksaan longkang.

Menurutnya, dipercayai pihak MPPP juga pernah mengeluarkan saman kepada pengendali kedai makan itu, namun sehingga kini masih tiada perubahan yang dilakukan oleh pengurus kedai untuk membersihkan sisa minyak yang dibuang ke dalam longkang.

“Kadangkala saya malu kepada pelancong kerana mereka tak mahu menggunakan jalan kedai saya kerana bau busuk.

“Inikah yang mencerminkan imej Pulau Pinang bersih?, Disebabkan mereka kami terpaksa menahan bau busuk dan membersihkan kawasan longkang,” katanya.

Tinjauan Sinar Harian di bangunan itu mendapati aliran minyak sememangnya datang daripada kedai makanan yang terletak di hujung bangunan.

Namun nasib tidak baik apabila kedai lain terpaksa menerima bau busuk longkang yang seterusnya disalirkan ke sungai.

Lebih memburukkan keadaan apabila didapati timbunan sampah termasuk bakul, plastik dan sisa makanan turut mengalir ke dalam longkang berpunca daripada kedai makan itu.

Ia juga menyebabkan longkang tersumbat dan aliran minyak tersekat serta longkang tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik.

Walaupun masalah longkang ini hanya dilihat kecil, namun ia juga adalah satu punca pencemaran Sungai Emas yang terletak di sepanjang premis berkenaan.

Kawasan sungai yang dahulunya indah kini tidak lagi seperti sediakala, bau busuk, gumpalan pasir dan sampah menjadi hidupan sungai ‘diganti’ dengan ikan-ikan.


“Ampress” Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptors system consists of many rhomella corrugated inclined coalescer plates stacked diagonally at 45° to the tangent one above the other. Thus forming a set of narrow channels through which the oil-in-water must flow. As the water flows through the rhomella corrugated inclined coalescer plates the oil droplets rise and meet the underside of the coalescing plates where they are captured and eventually as more droplets are captured a film forms which eventually forms larger drops. The large oil droplets than rise to the surface of the separator through channels or holes provided for that purpose. These oil are then removed by skimming devices or remain there as a layer to be removed manually.

The above mentioned flow mechanism is possible due to the natural advantages of the buoyancy of oil droplets in water thus allowing our rhomella corrugated inclined coalescing plates to perform oil-in-water separation.

“Ampress” Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptors offer high efficiency and low operating and maintenance costs because there are no moving parts.

 “Ampress” Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptors are used in applications where water quality discharge requirements are the most stringent. “Ampress” Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptors are widely used in oil related industries especially petrol stations, factories, workshops, automobiles service centres/garages, car wash outlets, boats engine servicing jetties, industrial plants and most cleaning applications where oil and sediment must be efficiently removed to very low (PPM) discharge levels.

The “Ampress” Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptor separator is a gravity separation device designed by using Stokes Law to define the rise velocity of oil droplets based on their density and size. The design of the oil interceptor separator is based on the specific gravity difference between the oil and the wastewater because that difference is much smaller than the specific gravity difference between the suspended solids and water. Based on that design criterion, most of the suspended solids will settle to the bottom of the oil interceptor separator as a sediment layer, the oil will rise to top of the separator, and the wastewater will be the middle layer between the oil on top and the solids on the bottom.

The oil layer is typically skimmed off and subsequently re-processed or disposed of, while the bottom sediment layer, called sludge is removed by a chain and flight scraper ( or similar device), a sludge pump or manually.

The “Ampress” Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptors are fitted to surface water drainage systems to prevent pollutants by oils and to protect the environment. This extraordinary oil interceptor removes oil from water very effectively to ensure enhanced oil pollution control, therefore providing healthier and better working environments.

The Environmental Quality Act 2009, Environmental, Quality (Industrial Effluents)  Regulations 2009, Jabatan Alam Sekitar (Department of Environment) Malaysia prohibit discharge into the ground and/or watercourse of pollution such an hydrocarbons (oil,grease,fuel etc). Oil interceptor separators separate oil from the water, thus retaining it safely until it is removed. Oil Interceptor separators need to be correctly designed, installed and maintained to be fully effective.

Thursday, 20 September 2012


Bagaimana “Ampress” berfungsi?
  • Menapis segala kekotoran termasuk minyak dan plastik dari air
  • Kualiti effluen yang dilepaskan adalah mematuhi syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar (DOE)
Siapa yang memerlukan “Ampress”?
  • Stesen Minyak
  • Kilang
  • Bengkel
  • Pusat Servis Automobil
  • Kedai Cuci Kereta
  • Jeti Servis Enjin Bot
  • Industri Loji
  • Industri berkaitan Minyak
  • dan lain-lain
Apakah kebaikan dan kelebihan menggunakan "Ampress”?
  • Longkang tidak tercemar
  • Air mengalir dengan lancar
  • Kebersihan terjamin
  • Kehidupan alam sekitar tidak terjejas
  • Mudah serta menjimatkan wang
Terdapat empat (4) jenis “Ampress”:
  • Fiberglass
  • Stainless Steel
  • Mild Steel
  • Plastics
Kami adalah pengeluar dan pembekal “Ampress” Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptor serta menyediakan perkhidmatan pembersihan Perangkap Minyak yang sedia ada di syarikat anda.

Kami juga boleh mereka bentuk dan membuat Perangkap Minyak berdasarkan permintaan yang menepati keperluan dan kehendak anda.

Syarikat kami berpengalaman dan sudah beroperasi lebih dari tiga puluh (30) tahun di Malaysia.

Produk kami telah diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar (DOE) Malaysia.

Marilah kita berkerjasama mempertingkatkan kualiti alam sekeliling untuk negara dan generasi hadapan.

Hubungi kami jika anda memerlukan maklumat lebih lanjut.

MAWIS SDN BHD (100220-W)
25, Jalan PJS 11/24,
Bandar Sunway Industrial Park,
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 603 – 5637 3171
Fax: 603 – 5637 3071

Thursday, 13 September 2012


How “Ampress” Oil Interceptor function?
  • Oil Interceptor removes oil from water very effectively
  • Quality of discharge level are in full compliance to Jabatan Alam Sekitar (DOE) requirements

Who will need “Ampress” Oil Interceptor?
  • Petrol Stations
  • Factories
  • Workshops
  • Automobile Service Centers
  • Car Wash Outlets
  • Boat Engine Servicing Jetties
  • Industrial Plants
  • Oil related Industries
  • Others

What are the advantages and benefits of using “Ampress” Oil Interceptor?
  • Avoid drainage system being contaminated with oil and grease. Thereby killing fishes and useful living organism.
  • Enhanced environmental pollution control especially oil pollution
  • Providing healthier and better working environment
  • Easy Maintenance and low maintenance cost

There are four (4) materials of "Ampress":
  • Fiberglass
  • Stainless Steel
  • Mild Steel
  • Plastics

We are an established manufacturer and supplier of “Ampress” Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptor. In addition, we provide service maintenance to existing oil interceptor.

At your  request, we are able to design and fabricate the oil interceptor to meet with your requirements.

We are an experienced company and have been in operation for more than thirty (30) years in Malaysia.

Our products have been approved by Jabatan Alam Sekitar (Department of Environment) Malaysia.

Let us cooperate together to improve the quality of our environmental surroundings for our country and future generations.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information.

MAWIS SDN BHD (100220-W)
25, Jalan PJS 11/24,
Bandar Sunway Industrial Park,
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 603 – 5637 3171
Fax: 603 – 5637 3071
Email: /


Neutralization Tanks are required and are designed for the neutralization and dilution of corrosive chemicals including corrosive battery water.  Neutralization is required under the Environmental Control Act.  Such damaging chemical wastes are generally treated before discharging into sewers effluent treatment or the common public drains.
Mawis Neutralization Tank treats both alkaline and acidic present in chemical wastes discharge from production facilities.  Too alkaline or acidic are harmful to the environment and will damage the eco and biological systems in our environment especially to our water treatment sources.
The perfect neutralization processes produces a neutral pH 7 (Positive Hydronium ions No. 7).
The measurement for Acidic conditions are from pH value 0 to 6.99 and Alkaline conditions are from pH value of 7.01 to 14.

Generally, the treatment medias’ is the use of Calcium Carbonates found in raw materials such as limestone or further refined Hydrated Lime or Quick Lime.  Calcium Carbonates are use to reduce and neutralizes not too large discharge of acids.  However, the neutralization process capacity may varies with the size of the treatment size and treatment medias.  The neutralization process requires the chemical wastes to basically retain in the neutralization tank for dilution at a rate of minimal 5 minutes or more.

For further enquiries, please contact:

MAWIS SDN BHD (Co. no. 100220-W)

No.25, Jalan PJS 11/24, Bandar Sunway Industrial Park
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: 03 – 5637 3171     Fax: 03 – 5637 3071
Email: /


Grease Interceptor or sometime commonly known as Grease Trap is an engineered device to remove spent Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) and associated solids and debris from food service establishment waste streams, preventing entry of this materials into either council / municipal sewer collection systems or privately owned on-site wastewater treatment facilities.  The Grease Interceptor captures those wastes and contains them until being treated biologically or dispose of by a waste service provider who will pump and properly dispose them.

The primary purposes of a properly sized grease interceptor is to retain high temperature spent FOG until cooling and separation of the spent FOG and water can take place.  The retention of food service solids lost to the waste stream is also an important function of a grease interceptor.  Large particle solids, with masses greater than that of water, settle to the bottom of the grease interceptor and are intended for emulsification or removal along with the floatable spent FOG during periodic cleaning.

For further enquiries, please contact:

MAWIS SDN BHD (Co. no. 100220-W)

No.25, Jalan PJS 11/24, Bandar Sunway Industrial Park
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Tel: 03 – 5637 3171     Fax: 03 – 5637 3071
Email: /

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


MAWIS SDN BHD was incorporated on 19 April 1983 with registration number 100220-W.

We are an established manufacturer and supplier of "Ampress" Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptor.

In addition, we provide service maintenance to existing oil interceptor.

“Ampress” is a brand product from Australia under the auspicious leadership of Dr. Gavin Broom who was a board member of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Our founder Mr. T. W. Lai owns 70% of “Ampress” Australia while the balance are own by Dr. Gavin Broom and Associate.

Ampress Rhomella Corrugated Oil Interceptor is an effective oil pollution control systems for the oil and oil related industries.

Our systems have been in used in Malaysia for more than (30) thirty years.

Throughout Malaysia, our products have been installed at many petrol stations, factories, workshops, auto service centers, car wash outlets, and various oil related installations.

Our products have been APPROVED by Jabatan Alam Sekitar (Department of Environment) Malaysia.

With the vast working experience, strong determination of the company and its management, we are confident of marching together towards the year 2020 with a clean and healthy environment.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information.

Mawis Sdn Bhd
25, Jalan PJS 11/24,
Bandar Sunway Industrial Park,
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Tel: 603 - 5637 3171
Fax: 603 - 5637 3071
Email: /


Besides Oil Interceptor, MAWIS SDN BHD also provide other environmental control products such as Grease Interceptor and Neutralization Tank
Material: Stainless Steel


Product Catalogue - 100 l/m Fiberglass Oil Interceptor

"Ampress" Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptor
Dimension: (L) 1.8m x (W) 1.2m x (H) 0.8m
Capacity: 100 Litres/Minutes
Material: Fiberglass

Product Catalogue - Stainless Steel Oil Interceptor

"Ampress" Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptor
Dimension: (L) 2.0m x (W) 0.6m x (H) 0.9m
Capacity: 50 Litres/Minutes
Body Material: Stainless Steel

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Product Catalogue - Fiberglass Oil Interceptor

"Ampress" Rhomella Corrugated Inclined Oil Interceptor
Dimension: (L) 1.8m x (W) 0.6m x (H) 0.8m
Capacity: 50 Litres/Minutes
Body Material: Fiberglass